Speaking For Newbies
Successful Speaker Checklist Challenge
Can You Check All 21 boxes With Confidence?
Dear Future Super Star Speaker,
If you want to be a successful paid speaker it’s best to get started on the right foot.
The business of speaking is like any other business, there are things you need to know in order to get the best results as quickly as possible.
This Successful Speaker Checklist Challenge is a great first step to measure your readiness.
Let’s get started it should take you 5 minutes or less to complete.
Speaking on Stage
Choose all that apply
I’m comfortable speaking on stage in front of an audience.
I can put together a 30 – 90 minute presentation that will have the client happily to bringing me back year after year.
I know how to keep the audience engaged and interested during my talk while being myself and speaking in my own voice.
I know how to put together a dynamic virtual presentation.
Can you finish this sentence? 97.3% of the time the audience wants to know _________. Many speakers fail to include this important piece.
Understanding The Speaking Business
Choose all that apply
I know the two main paths / business models to becoming a successful speaker?
I'm familiar with the three types of speakers that are booked to speak at events.
I know how speaker’s bureaus work and when I should seek them out or avoid them.
How To Get Booked and paid to speak at events.
Choose all that apply
I know the best market(s) I’m suited for based on my expertise and experience.
I know the best person(s) to contact when it comes to securing a paid speaking engagement.
When talking with a potential client about speaking at their event I know exactly what to send them to get their attention and have them take me seriously.
I know how clients make their decisions to go with or avoid a particular speaker.
I’m familiar with the best marketing methods to get clients eagerly contacting me to speak at their events.
I know how to generate referrals as a speaker so it happens purposely and not by happy accident.
Making money as a speaker.
Choose all that apply
I know the proper method to ask for my speaking fee and get it the majority of the time.
I know the proper language to use to get a potential client to reveal their budget.
I know how to get a client happy to pay me in advance. Sometimes as far as a year in advance.
Choose all that apply
I’m an author.
I know how to get my clients to purchase the book I authored in bulk for their meetings.
I know how to put together a product / course that provides real world value to those who invest in my opportunity.
I know how to properly offer my products and services in person or virtually without coming off slimy and grimy.
How Many Did You Answer
What Was Your Score? ____ /21
Discover how to get all the answers plus more by clicking here now!